
Showing posts from March, 2010

Video Game Addiction: the long road to recovery

Video Game Addiction: the long road to recovery Originally uploaded by Now and Here Well, once again summer is about to start and there are games out there that need playing. Too many games, would be the proper turn of phrase here. So, a Must-Have or Must-Play list is building up right now, and it includes such titles as : -Resonance of Fate -Infinite Space -Final Fantasy XIII -Heavy Rain -God of War 3 But, I still have other games i am currently playing, like Torchlight, Dragon Age, Borderlands DLC, and more. And eventually, when the stars are aligned, and august comes rolling on by, Star Trek Online will make it's debut on my computer...and shall be played with friends. But until I can afford the newest games, time-wise and money-wise, I shall concentrate on the ones I do have. After all, I have all the Extra Lives I need...