
Showing posts from June, 2009

Too Much Info

There is literally too much going on this week to even mention the gems among the abject, turbulent noise of the E3 circus. If you want to know what's cool, and what's not, go check out the conferences, the Info-blogs like Joystiq and Kotaku, and watch the next episode of CO-OP . I just don't have the time to give you an account of things to come. It still is an awesome week. There are things showing up on radar now that just make gaming so much worth the time we put in it. Although the Console maker's keynotes were more often than not weak and embarrassing, this year's E3 has created memorable memes and great expectations. Alright...I have games to play now. You know? Current games that are actually OUT, like InFamous. So, stop waiting and stop reading. Go play something, will ya?

The Madness of King June

Yeah, it's that time of the year again. E3. The gaming giants are about to reveal their big steaming pile of marketing fecal matter onto the unsuspecting gaming community. Let the bullshit begin! The trumpets are a-flaring and the standards are in the wind. Can you smell what Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are cooking? Well, it certainly ain't ratatouille. Am I being too harsh and virulent without justifiable reason? Perhaps. After many years as gamer, this writer has become somewhat jaded, and very much cynical in his expectations. Why hope when you can despair and spread negativity within the community? It's just fun and games after all. Nothing serious. Right? I know this kind of post would actually look at its place amongst the lowest of the dirtiest forum pits, where flame wars are started because of more trivial matters, but this is just me venting of some of the rancid steam that's been filling up the pipes outo an unsuspecting populace; like Smilex on ...