
Showing posts from March, 2009

Resident Disappointment

Chris Redfield is back to fight the good fight. He's going to kick ass. T-Virus, G-Virus, or Las Plagas : it doesn't matter. Chris will burn 'em out, and make the world a better. ...that is if he and his partner Sheva could manage their inventory correctly. You see? These two can't unstack shit. They can't, for the life of them, pick individual items out of a pile. Let's use an everyday example : Chris has a pack of gum, because he ate lots of garlic, and Sheva really likes gum. Sheva wants some gum, so Chris will throw her the whole package instead of giving her one or two pieces. Now Chris doesn't have any gum, since Sheva has the entirety of his stocks. Chris could request gum and get the package back, but Sheva might still need the gum, because she ate tons of garlic too. Now, let's imagine the gum is "bullets", and the garlic is zombies, or Las Plagas. Do you see the problem therein? Other than me possibly having analogy issues, ...

This is not a post about games...

W hile making myself supper, I estimated, for the sake of argument, how many people the Punisher would have killed since he started his "business". First, let's forgo any North Vietnamese he killed on his three Vietnam tours. That's a big number we can ignore. He started in 1976 after his family's death, but really got into it only around 1978-79. So up to today, that will be 30 years of activity. Let's give him a yearly average of one (1) low-life every other day (a drug dealer, a pimp, whatever). That's one-hundred and eighty-two (182). But, take a few days off to make it a big round number, and to take into account droughts that may occur (the Rudolph Juliani years in NYC, for example, or just seasonal droughts provoked after a good "spring cleanup"). So within a year, he's got a batting average of one-hundred and fifty ( 150 ) scumbags and creeps. The guy's job really doesn't call for week-ends, but a few days off are sure to ...

Holy Shimole!

You might have heard about this . Mass Effect 2 will be mostly developed in Montreal. Oh joy. When can I start? Whoa! Grab hold of th'reigns, partner, and slow them horses of yours. The team comes from the other studio, and EA Montreal already have staff aplenty, so they probably won't need anybody else. Not to mention that my chops ain't fit for work on something like this... But this sudden proximity to the project probably means the Montreal Game Community will be privy to some juicy details. Not to mention that the city's IGDA chapter will most likely get the chance for meetings and talks with the members of the team. A very exiting time indeed, my friends. I know I'm just reporting news that you are going to see most everywhere, and it doesn't make for great blog blah blah. But this is an opportunity for me to display my Mass Effect-tattooed heart. I loved that game, with all its flaws and weaknesses. However, this ain't some lamer with a crush...